Most recently, we returned from our trip to Kauai, HI. Thanks to Traci's parent's who invited us to join them at their timeshare/condo in Poipu (The Point at Poipu). It was sure nice returning to Hawaii after 4 years of separation.
I failed to mention in my last post that most of these photos (and more) are available at Just navigate to the appropriate album.
Once again we flew Northwest Airlines... they were the cheapest fare from PDX to LIH. After our last experience, we were not too inclined to fly them again, but economics prevailed. This trip was not as bad as our last experience. We were a little concerned that the ticket counter agent didn't check our ID when we checked our luggage, but we let that one go. The biggest problem was that NWA decided to shuffle our seats around, and split us up (ticketed passengers traveling together with a lap child). Fortunately the gate agent resolved this issue for us immediately. NWA seems to primarily fly 757s on their long flights. These are not the roomiest aircraft, especially if you are looking for a nook and cranny to stand with your baby. Kylie also came down with a fever on this flight. Lucky for us, she didn't lose it on the flight. She was just squirmy and very active for the latter 3+ hours of the 6 hour flight.
Here I am avoiding being blown over by the 10-18 knot winds that were consistently blowing the whole time we were there. I can't complain, the weather was great (80-85 degrees, mild humidity).
Despite having a sick child the first few days, we still managed to do a lot. Traci had her time in the sun poolside at the resort. I took a complimentary intro to Scuba Diving course at the resort. The idea being that we'd sign up for the $140 dive off the coast. For this trip, I had my money earmarked for a couple other things. Surf lessons, and a ukulele. I did both.
Now you have to understand that I've aspired to learn to surf all my life. I used to boogie board as kid at the Jersey shore (LBI for my Jersey friends), I can stay in the water all day long. I love it! I've had several near opportunities to learn in the past, but I was either too passive in pursuing them, or they just didn't pan out. This trip, Objective#1: Learn to surf.

I can happily report, Mission Accomplished. I'm hooked. Even after 3 hours of beginner surfing, I was ready to take it to the next level. Maybe I'll have to move to Hawaii, so I can further pursue this sport? If you find yourself in Poipu Kauai and are looking for surf lessons. I'd like to second the recommendation for the Garden Island Surf School ( There presence is weak compared to the Aloha surf school (Chava Greenlee) and the Margo Oberg surf school, but the instructor, Chris, is the only guy that was recommended by name to me. I appreciate that they are a smaller operation without all the kick-back from the Concierge services. Chris was also really good with kids. Very patient, good attitude. Again I have to thank Aaron and Angela, my cheering section, and personal photographers. This couple were just basking in the sun and were cheering me on as I came in and swam back out to do it all over again. When I was on my own to hang ten, I asked them to try to snap some photos of me so I could have proof of the moment. Angela waited so very patiently for me to catch a wave (not so easy on your own, and when you're competing with another surf school). She did great, and I am so very thankful for her patience.
In our other adventures, we also did the Napali coast tour (Napali Riders). These guys were great. $69/person. Much cheaper than the other outfits. Granted the lunch/snack is minimal (fruit, chips, and soda/water). Who cares! Riding the 30-ft. ocean going Zodiac was a blast. We had the blisters and scraped knuckles to prove it. We saw dolphins, humpback whales.. but no snorkeling. The sea was too rough. The swells were crazy. 3-6ft swells. One moment you can see the horizon, the other moment you are below grade and can only see a large rolling hill of blue ocean. I've been in the ocean on large swells before, but it's much different in such a small vessel.
Below, is a photo from our hike into Waimea Canyon. We did the (what appears to be) standard hike down to Waipou falls. It's an intermediate hike. Steep terrain. But there are definitely some nice views of the canyon. Kylie did great in the baby backpack. (REI Piggyback for those that are wondering).

There are many more photos...