Here are couple photos from my 10 year reunion. I brought my camera, but I didn't take that many pictures. Maybe these other guys have other photos to share?
Here's my $0.02 on the reunion.
1. Too expensive for what it was. (no dessert, and we had to pay for drinks)
2. Did we really need a DJ and dance floor?
3. Did the music have to be that loud considering that no one was dancing? What happened to converation music?
4. Why Friday night? People have jobs and have to travel.
5. 6:30 PM to 11:30 PM seems like a long time, but it's not. Definitely not enough time to catch up.
6. It's amazing how many people don't fly too far away from the nest.
7. I'd divide people into two camps. "Still the same" and "Who was that?" That's pretty much where people fall IMHO.

(Above) Michael Routh, Adrian Prokop, and Stephanie Naegle (formerly Taft).

(Above) Graham Martin, me, And Brian Martin. These guys were my best friends from 6th grade through most of Junior High. We drifted apart a bit in high school... just traveling in different circles. (they are fraternal twins by the way). It was definitely good to catch up with these guys. I will always look back at our youth with fond memories. Their mom, used to refer to me as their adopted 4th child because we were always together. I seem to have a lot of adopted parents.

(Above) Eryn Barker (formerly Kaiser), Timm Prokop, Samantha Prokop, and Adrian. You have to have a few candid photos.

(Above) Here's my other adopted family. The Prokops to my left and Prokops to my right. (Adrian and Timm are also fraternal twins). Their mom, also refers to me as an adopted son too. We had great times together from the 8th grade on (and staying out of trouble).
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